Chronic Neck Pain Treatment Specialist in Mesquite, TX
Dr. Morchower at OmniSpine provides treatment for chronic neck pain in Mesquite, TX. Our experts specialize in acute and chronic pain management, opioid therapy, and more! Contact us or schedule an appointment with our team today at our Mesquite, TX clinic! You can find us at 1102 N. Galloway Ave. Mesquite, TX 75149.

Table of Contents:
How long can chronic neck pain last?
Is heat or ice better for neck pain?
What is the best treatment for chronic neck pain?
Do you offer chronic neck pain treatment in Mesquite, TX?
Chronic neck pain affects the quality of every single day. It can greatly affect your posture at work, your ability to do recreational activities and even your life at home. However, you’ll be happy to hear that neck pain is treatable with the professional help a clinic like ours provides. OmniSpine Pain Management offers chronic neck pain treatment in Mesquite, so if you live in the area, give us a call for relief from your neck pain.
Maybe you’ve been having neck pain for a short while now and just need some time to unwind, or maybe you need some time off work to recuperate. If neck pain lasts for just a couple or a few weeks, and if it’s relieved through relaxation, then it’s just acute neck pain and likely not chronic. Acute pain can come back, like when someone returns to work. But if your pain has been lasting longer than 3 months, this is considered chronic pain, and the thing about chronic pain is that it doesn’t go away easily or even at all.
Chronic neck pain is no different. It doesn’t go away by itself and generally needs professional care. Sometimes at-home care can help with chronic neck pain, and it can definitely help with acute pain, but chronic neck pain usually requires professional care.
In general, at-home neck pain care, icing, and heat can be essential. It’s also important to keep a good posture and to do gentle therapeutic exercises, but let’s talk more about icing and heat.
One or the other will help under different circumstances. For instance, cold works best during early acute pain and a neck pain flare-up. Heat, however, works best after a day or so once the acute pain has calmed down. Just be careful with icing and using heat. Applications should be limited to 15 to 20 minutes at a time, with 2-hour breaks in between to allow the skin to recover.
For chronic neck pain, icing and heat can help in the short term, but only in the short term. Long-term, professional treatment is usually necessary.
Here at OmniSpine Pain Management, we can tell you more about heat and ice therapy for neck pain, but for chronic neck pain, a more comprehensive approach to treatment is necessary. We’re experts at pain management, so we can provide you with:
• Physical therapy for neck pain, which can help a great deal
• Epidural steroid injections (ESIs) for neck pain caused by inflamed spinal nerves due to spinal stenosis or disc herniation
• Facet joint injections for inflammation in the neck
• Botox injections to relieve muscles in the neck
• Opioid therapy for severe cases of neck pain
The best treatment for neck pain is the one that works for you to relieve your pain in the long term. You can be very confident our fully capable professionals will find the best treatment for you here at OmniSpine Pain Management.
Yes, we do! OmniSpine Pain Management has a location near you in Mesquite. You’ll find us over at 1102 N. Galloway Ave. Mesquite, TX 75149. Give us a call today to book a simple consultation with us so we can discuss your neck pain with you. Book with us online if you’d rather do that instead. We hope to hear from you and help you soon at OmniSpine Pain Management! We serve patients from Mesquite TX, Balch Springs TX, Sunnyvale TX, Seagoville TX, and Garland TX.